Examples of domain-specific languages include HTML, Logo for children, Verilog and VHSIC hardware description languages, Mata for matrix programming, Mathematica and Maxima for symbolic mathematics, spreadsheet formulas and macros, SQL for relational database queries, YACC grammars for creating parsers, regular expressions for specifying lexers, the Generic Eclipse Modeling System for creating diagramming languages, Csound for sound and music synthesis, and the input languages of GraphViz and GrGen, software packages used for graph layout and graph rewriting.
Creating a domain-specific language (with software to support it) can be worthwhile if the language allows a particular type of problem or solution to be expressed more clearly than an existing languages would allow and the type of problem in question reappears sufficiently often. Language-Oriented Programming considers the creation of special-purpose languages for expressing problems a standard part of the problem solving process.
Domain-specific languages are languages (or most often, declared syntaxes or grammars) with very specific goals in design and implementation. A domain-specific language can be either a visual diagramming language, such as those created by the Generic Eclipse Modeling System, programmatic abstractions, such as the Eclipse Modeling Framework, or textual languages. For instance, the command line utility grep has a regular expression syntax which matches patterns in lines of text. The sed utility defines a syntax for matching and replacing regular expressions. Often, these tiny languages can be used together inside a shell to perform more complex programming tasks.
Some domain-specific languages expand over time to include full-featured programming tools, which further complicates the question of whether a language is domain-specific or not. A good example is the functional language XSLT, specifically designed for transforming one XML graph into another, which has been extended since its inception to allow (particularly in its 2.0 version) for various forms of filesystem interaction, string and date manipulation, and data typing.

Soil Food Web

Sea Turtle - Food Web Diagram


Food Web Diagram Template

Click here for food web Figure

any complete food chain

food web: different food

Food Chain Image

Vee Diagram Template

food chain diagram, mario kart

food bank diagram.

of the food web diagram

or through the food web is

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Food Web Energy Pyramid

2011 classic food web diagram
Creating a domain-specific language (with software to support it) can be worthwhile if the language allows a particular type of problem or solution to be expressed more clearly than an existing languages would allow and the type of problem in question reappears sufficiently often. Language-Oriented Programming considers the creation of special-purpose languages for expressing problems a standard part of the problem solving process.
Domain-specific languages are languages (or most often, declared syntaxes or grammars) with very specific goals in design and implementation. A domain-specific language can be either a visual diagramming language, such as those created by the Generic Eclipse Modeling System, programmatic abstractions, such as the Eclipse Modeling Framework, or textual languages. For instance, the command line utility grep has a regular expression syntax which matches patterns in lines of text. The sed utility defines a syntax for matching and replacing regular expressions. Often, these tiny languages can be used together inside a shell to perform more complex programming tasks.
Some domain-specific languages expand over time to include full-featured programming tools, which further complicates the question of whether a language is domain-specific or not. A good example is the functional language XSLT, specifically designed for transforming one XML graph into another, which has been extended since its inception to allow (particularly in its 2.0 version) for various forms of filesystem interaction, string and date manipulation, and data typing.

Soil Food Web

Sea Turtle - Food Web Diagram


Food Web Diagram Template

Click here for food web Figure

any complete food chain

food web: different food

Food Chain Image

Vee Diagram Template

food chain diagram, mario kart

food bank diagram.

of the food web diagram

or through the food web is

food services resume template

Food Web Energy Pyramid

2011 classic food web diagram
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